Labour Force Survey (LFS) Results | November 2020


Overall, the seasonally adjusted data shows the Canadian economy adding 84,000 jobs in October and the unemployment rate dropping 0.1 percentage point to 8.9%

The unadjusted data, which is comparable to our tourism numbers showed 72,400 jobs added and an unemployment rate of 8.1%.

Unsurprisingly, the tourism specific employment data for October is bleak. Because of seasonality tourism employment usually decreases from September to October. This year the decrease was well outside the normal range. The average decrease from September to October for the years 2001 to 2019, is only -0.8%. This year tourism employment dropped -4.8% between September and October

The sector lost 70,400 jobs, mostly full-time positions. Our unemployment rate rose to 14.5%

Accommodation services was the hardest hit on a percentage basis. Employment dropped 18.5% from September, a loss of 22,700 jobs. Both full and part-time positions were lost. The unemployment rate is 20.5%

Employment in food and beverage services dropped by 27,800 jobs, a loss of 3.4% compared to September. The unemployment rate is 13.4%

Recreation and Entertainment had the largest employment loss, dropping 29,300 jobs between September and October, a loss of 7.4%. The unemployment rate is 16.4%

Transportation lost 2,800 jobs overall, due to a loss of 7,800 full-time positions, while gaining 5,100 part-time positions. The unemployment rate is 11.0%

The travel services industry was the only industry group to add jobs, gaining 12,200 jobs. Despite the gain, this industry has the highest unemployment rate in the tourism sector at 23.5%.

Data is from the week of October 11 to 17. Quebec’s two biggest cities had been in their second lockdown for over a week and this is shown in the data with tourism employment dropping 15.0% (58,500 jobs) in that province.

Ontario did not move Toronto, Ottawa and Peel into its modified stage 2 until October 10th. Ontario lost 10,000 tourism jobs but employment losses associated with modified stage two may not be entirely captured by data collected in the week immediately following the announcement.

Also check out the Tourism Employment Tracker for more info that you can tailor to your needs.