Dear TIANS Members and Industry Stakeholders,

As 2021 comes to a close, we are reminded once again that we are in precarious times. As we head into the last quarter of what will be two years of a global pandemic, we are looking at significant change to the Business of Tourism. TIANS will continue to work on the areas that we can control. Today, the Senate of Canada passed Bill C-2 that will ensure ongoing tourism supports by the Federal government. There were concerns this would be delayed so this is a good way to end 2021. There is still work to be done for those sectors within tourism not covered, and an opportunity to influence criteria for access. We will continue work with our Hardest Hit Coalition Partners in the new year. Provincially, we are continuing to advocate for a more robust Tourism Strategy, that will drive growth in the coming year.

The one thing we know for sure, is it will not be business as usual which means we cannot conduct business as usual. We believe Nova Scotia has a significant opportunity for transformative change across the board. From a tourism perspective that means a government/industry strategy that builds on product, people and infrastructure.

As we address the “people’ component, an important piece of work is underway. The Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council, in collaboration with 13 other Sector Councils in Nova Scotia is gathering data from employers across our province to address the critical issues around labour. Information on this important survey in noted below and will help us devise the appropriate strategies and supports for you in 2022.

Tourism enhances the cultural, social and environmental fabric of Nova Scotia and will play an important role in the future of our Province. By its very nature tourism builds communities, fosters entrepreneurship and encourages innovation.

We look forward to working on your behalf, and with you, on the things that matter.

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


Wes Surrett, TIANS Chair
Darlene Grant Fiander, TIANS President