Webinar Series
As our community continues to cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, TIANS and NSTHRC are here to help. TIANS, NSTHRC and our partners continue to provide you with webinars geared at equipping businesses with the skills and knowledge they need to survive the new realities of our COVID economy.
See upcoming events below, along with recorded webinars for those sessions you've missed.
Upcoming Webinars

Business Rebuilding Webinar Series
The Final installment in our latest Webinar Series with Greg Thompson.
Webinar: Online Reputation Management and learn how your online presence and integrity will be a fundamental tool to leverage as visitors plan their travel – you’ll take away basic tools and techniques to help you improve your online image! Wed, March 25, 10:00 am
Register HERE

8-Step Traffic Growth Approach
Do you want to attract guests and customers who are already thinking about your services? Are you wondering how SEO, social media and newsletters work together to bring leads? Alison K Consulting will lead participants through an 8-step process that turns existing content into website traffic magnets. This session will include tips to save time and generate content ideas. You’ll leave with an understanding of how users really come to your website and how to reuse existing content in a compelling way.
Thursday, March 24 10 am Register Now
Recorded Webinars
TIANS and NSTHRC Recorded Webinars - Rebuilding Supports for the Tourism Sector
ACOA Tourism Relief Fund Information Session for Business Operators
Legal Ins and Outs of Vaccination Policies – Operator Rights and Responsibilities
Vaccination Policy Creation for Staff and Customers
Coping with Covid - Tax and Cash Flow Implications of Receiving Government Supports
Wage Subsidy Panel - Programs to Support Operators
Succession planning Webinar
Winstorm Marketing Webinar
Business Rebuilding Series – Employee Engagement and Service Excellence
Business Rebuilding Series – Revenue Management and Sales Techniques
NSTHRC Labour Market Forum Part I
Coping with COVID - Tax and Cash Flow Implications of Receiving Government Money
Many businesses and individuals received financial assistance from the Federal and Provincial governments during 2020 and 2021. The major portion of these payments were taxable, but the timing of paying this income tax is not always what you would expect.This one hour webinar covered CEBA, CERB and CEWS as well as provincial payments and how to report the T4A received.
Conversation with Dr. Strang:
COVID - 19 presentation for Regional Enterprise Networks
A virtual update session for Nova Scotia's business community, including an update for Nova Scotia businesses featuring Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang and Department of Business Deputy Minister Bernie Miller.
Beyond 2020: Leveraging government support & focusing on cashflow
In times of uncertainty, it’s important to have a plan for moving forward. In this session you’ll hear from Grant Thornton advisors who will cover evolving government programs, managing cash flow and your business, and the importance of real-time information and the value to your business.
The Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council is pleased to introduce a the Health & Safety Certificate Series, which includes customized webinars for the Tourism Industry. Each Wednesday for four consecutive weeks, Industry will be introduced to key Health & Safety issues which will cumulate with a session topic determined by feedback through participant survey.
Crisis Communications in Times of Pandemic (w/ National Public Relations)
How a business communicates in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic is key to its future success and sometimes its very survival. As consumer behaviour changes, supply chains become disrupted and employees and employers navigate uncharted territory and potentially uncertain futures, the importance of a well-crafted crisis management plan is becoming ever clearer to Canadian enterprises. We were joined by Mark Boutet and Larry Markowitz of NATIONAL Public Relations, Canada’s leading public relations firm to discuss the basic principles of crisis communication, and focus on maintaining your brand during these challenging times.
Growth, Interrupted
Tourism HR Canada is delighted to share a recording of its latest webinar, Growth, Interrupted: Navigating COVID’s shock to Canada’s tourism workforce.
President and CEO Philip Mondor leads this one-hour presentation, sharing insights into the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the tourism workforce.
Disciplining Employees for Safety Violations in the COVID-19 Era | OHS Insider
When it comes to employee performance management, can health and safety violations justify the “for cause” termination of an employee? The short answer to this question is yesand no. Ultimately, there is no fixed rule as to the degree of misconduct required to justify a dismissal for just cause. So, where does that leave employers when it comes to understanding whether a just cause termination is appropriate for a health and safety violation?
Navigating COVID-19: The Science of Signage | Halifax Chamber of Commerce
Watch the Recording
What changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy means for employers
Tourism NS 2020 Marketing Campaign Launch
Reopening Nova Scotia Webinar
Marked Safe - The Quickest Way to Safely Get Your Business Back Up and Running |Halifax Chamber of Commerce
CHIC Digital Best Practices Webinar #2
RANS presents: Commercial Lease & Contract Considerations
WEBINAR: Market Research
WEBINAR: Strategies for How Businesses Can Persevere and Recover from COVID-19
Cybersecurity and the impact of COVID-19 on your business
Tourism Nova Scotia Webinar Series
Offering practical information you can use to steer your business through COVID-19, then rebuild and recover post-pandemic. Webinars are held weekly and are updated as more webinars are confirmed.
CHIC Digital President/CEO Digital Round Table
The landscape shaping the future of the Canadian hotel industry. Moderated by Tyler MacDonald, Heather McCrory (Accor), Don Cleary (Marriott Hotels of Canada) and Brian Leon (Choice Hotels).
Guiding businesses through the response to COVID: An Outline of Support Programs
An updated webinar on navigating current support programs and cash flow best practices, presented by TIANS and Grant Thornton.
CHIC Digital Webinar Series
Operating in the time of COVID-19 – Hotel and Resort Operations Best Practices Series, presented by the Canadian Hotel Investment Conference.
Working w/ Industry Through COVID-19 & Beyond to Resilience
Destination Canada's May 12 webinar with the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development, Official Languages; Ben Cowan-Dewar, Chair of the Board, Destination Canada; & Charlotte Bell, President/CEO, TIAC.
Helping Businesses Respond During COVID-19 Webinar Series
Halifax Chamber of Commerce: Navigating COVID-19 Webinar Series
We know the Halifax business community is doing their due diligence and carefully monitoring developments related to the impacts of the Coronavirus. We are helping you stay informed on COVID-19 with the introducing of our webinar series, Navigating COVID-19.
eCornell | Restarting the Hospitality Industry
eCornell highlights initiatives that will help get travelers back to hotels, including developing new cleanliness standards for the industry, obtaining funding, and conveying confidence and trust to the travel sector. We will also discuss how hotels, including their restaurants, will likely be operated differently in the future, as well as the silver linings or opportunities embedded in the crisis.
Euromonitor International |How Is COVID-19 Affecting The Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2020?
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic forced consumers to adopt new habits, reevaluate priorities and shift consumption. This on-demand webinar analyses the short- and long-term implications of COVID-19 on consumer behaviour and how businesses can prepare for these shifts.
Euromonitor International | The Implications of COVID-19 for the Global Economy
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