A resource for news, support, research and rebuilding for Nova Scotia’s tourism operators.

Tourism Sector Strategic Plan for Nova Scotia


TIANS and TNS are co-leading the development of a tourism sector strategic plan that will inspire a broader approach to economic growth and quality of life in Nova Scotia.
Visit the newly launched Microsite for information, registration details for engagement sessions and online feedback form.

BUILDING UP - Tourism Employer Investment Fund Scholarship Opportunity

The Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia (TIANS) and the Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council (NSTHRC) are pleased to announce a new addition to their scholarship program, with the launch of the Tourism Employer Investment Fund.
This support fund will accept applications from a business owner or senior employee of the company, as they look to enhance their skills and knowledge through a wide variety of training and learning opportunities.
As we encourage employers to invest in their staff, it is equally important that we support employers themselves – to help build essential skills to operate in a dynamic and innovative global marketplace.
Whether a course, conference, accreditations - we want to support building the leadership of the Nova Scotia Tourism Industry. Funding support will be up to $2500 per applicant.
In order to be eligible for the Tourism Employer Investment Fund applicants must be:
- Pursuing a professional development opportunity to enhance their skills or career path within the tourism industry
- Employed in a Senior Position or an Owner in the Nova Scotia Tourism Industry

Apply Online - a member of TIANS/NSTHRC will be in touch following Application Review.





Webinar Series

TIANS and our partners are hosting a series of specialized free webinars to tackle the challenges faced by small COVID-19. These webinars are geared at equipping businesses with the skills and knowledge they need to survive the new realities of our COVID economy.


Latest News

October 21, 2020 #MissedTheMark

Since the pandemic began TIANS has been meeting with the provincial government, urging appropriate supports to...

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