Regretfully, based on the Nov. 20th announcements of increased restrictions and the number of COVID-19 cases in the province, TIANS has made the decision to postpone the LEADERSHIP DAY and Keynote Address by General Rick Hillier.  We are optimistic that we will be hosting Industry, safely, in the very near future.  Thank you for your understanding.  Stay Well.  Stay TourismStrong.

Leadership Keynote Address by General Rick Hillier
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 | 1-3 PM

Extraordinary times calls for extraordinary thinking and action. In light of this, TIANS will be hosting an exclusive afternoon event for Nova Scotia’s Tourism Industry on November 24, 2020 in Halifax featuring General (Ret’d.) Rick Hillier.

For General Hillier, leadership is all about people – embracing those in your charge and winning over those you need to work with – not about risk aversion or management fads. Leaders think long, and have a vision – even in a pandemic. Their actions speak, not their words, and they make their own luck. Leaders also act out of moral courage, accept failure, take advantage of crisis and are perpetually optimistic.

Join us for this inspirational afternoon and learn about General Hillier’s leadership principles that will help you navigate through this once in a lifetime challenge.


Complimentary Registration is open now to TIANS members on Eventbrite. General registration opens on Tuesday, November 3rd to non-TIANS members at $100/ticket. Proceeds will support senior and veteran organizations.

Register Now