Dear Industry Partner,

As we move into the fall season, the global tourism industry continues to be significantly impacted by the COVID pandemic. In Nova Scotia, operators are relying on the regional market for support and continue to adapt their experiences and products to meet new protocols. TIANS has continued to advocate for more robust and accessible supports for Tourism operators from both the provincial and federal governments. Recent announcements around the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) and the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) will extend current supports.  TIANS is also joining our national partners from the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada in a broad campaign to extend the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program for tourism operators through to the end of March 2021.

As we look at ways to extend the season or increase mid-week business, TIANS has launched TIANS Cares, a program for TIANS members to market specials or unique packages targeted at first responders, health and front line workers. TIANS Cares is a tangible way for the tourism industry to demonstrate their gratitude for those who continue to step up for all of us during these challenging times. Once populated, the platform will be promoted to visitors from within the Atlantic bubble through social media and direct outreach. Email [email protected] today to receive your member access and feature your own special offer on the site.

TIANS continues to hear of growing concerns around access to affordable insurance coverage – please take a few moments to complete our current survey focused on this important issue.

We encourage you to continue to visit TOURISMSTRONG.CA as we strive to inform and support you and your business. Our Facebook discussion group also provides an opportunity for tourism operators to share ideas and stay updated on tools and supports.

Stay Tourism Strong.
The TIANS Team

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